23 Eylül 2012 Pazar

MMP Kickstarter Starts Today!

We have launched our kickstarter campaign!!
We are really excited and hopeful that we can raise enough money to finally get both the documentary out and available for purchase as well as our really great CD project.

Please click on this link and check out our kickstarter page. It has some nice links to video clips from the film too!
There is some cool information about the project and a link to see some clips from the film too! If you've got a few spare dollars, rupees, ngultrum, baht, pounds, pesos, or togrog, we've got some very nice gifts for you... Help us out by checking out the site and if you can you can donate too here.

Also we need all the help we can get getting the word out so please share, post, and email this link to anyone that you think might be interested!!


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