1. HBR Blog Network: When Choosing a Job, Culture Matters—This post offers lots of tips for those of you on the job search on how to evaluate companies and their culture.
2. Paulo Coelho's Blog: Dreams and nightmares—A great post about following your dreams.
3. Beautiful Somehow: Paper towel alternatives—I continually take steps towards make my home more sustainable, and reusable paper towels have been on my list for a while. Lorissa from Beautiful Somehow offers some links to some cool un-paper towels, and also how she makes her own.
4. Inspiration Feed: 35 Beautifully Animated Photographs—These gifs take the craft to a new level, by telling a story with a very small movement in a short time frame. I love to try and figure out where the frame begins and ends, and it is a challenge.
5. A Life of Spice: Ancient Grains for Modern Meals—I'm always on the search for new ways to liven up a healthy diet, and this post from "A Life of Spice" got me very excited about trying some new grains.
Photo: Kriss Szkurlatowski
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