Should my topic be more focused?Should I switch platforms?Do I have the courage to post my feelings online?
The questions in my head were endless. As time passed, I stopped thinking as much about the above, and just focused on posting. My topics have evolved, but this blog is an online journal of sorts—my place of creativity—so I haven't limited my topics. Certain questions still come up in my head from time to time, and at one point I did get a WordPress account, but I haven't switched over because it seems like too much work.
So if I started blogging today what would I do differently? Perhaps I would have blogged about a more focused subject, but I really enjoy the organic flow of topics that change as my life evolves. So at this point, I'm happy with my blogging journey, and I guess the advice I can impart is to not take it too seriously. Follow your instincts, enjoy your blogging, and see where it takes you.
Photo: Billy Frank Alexander
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