19 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

Sexmob @ LPR 10/21/12

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I admit it, this is really why I came out and took the next morning off.  Since Tonic closed, we don't get enough Steven Bernstein projects in NYC.  The only problem was many people left before they came on.  It was a low turnout to begin with and there were only around 25 people left to enjoy the set.  In addition, sound carries there.  There were 2 people whispering to each other the whole time and I could hear them all the way accross the room.  I loved the set, but they made it short. I understand, they donated time and music and for the musicians and promoter it was probably a disappointment.  They did a killer Ruby Tuesday and were excellent.  There was just something off in the room - it was the mellowest Sexmob show I've ever seen.

Evening of Jazz: A Fundraiser for Barack Obama
w/ Sex Mob , Randy Ingram Trio , and Noah Preminger Quartet

Sex MobSex Mob, led by the brilliant slide trumpet of Steven Bernstein, puts the fun back in jazz with With the great musicians Tony Scherr on bass, Briggan Krauss on sax, and Kenny Wollensen on drums, Sex Mob has released albums including “Din of Inequity,” “Sex Mob Does Bond,” “Dime Grind Palace,” “Sexotica.” The Grammy-nominated group has played to packed houses around the planet, from NPR to SNL to MTV. “Their the rogue outfit [has], by force of personality and persistence, managed to bring the whole spectrum of America’s music into a provocative and loose-limbed embrace.” –Nate Chinen, The New York Times


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