4 Temmuz 2012 Çarşamba

Leyna Marika Papach @ The Stone 6/16/12

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I had my dates mixed up and I thought it was the night for Spectrum Road at BBs.  Luckily, I usually check websites before heading out, and I realized that show is still 2 weeks away.  I had their San Francisco show on my calendar from before they announced the NYC show.  I looked into going out for it, but couldn't find a cheap flight.  By the time I discovered my error, I didn't feel like shlepping out to Roulette for Vision Fest, even though the lineup looked great.  I did want something, so I went to my old stand-by for some solo violin.

It was about 30 minutes - it's more typical for solo sets to be shorter.  I love seeing solo shows as it's an opportunity to focus in on one instrument.  She started by playing one string for a bit, 30-60 seconds and then played the next string for a bit and so on.  After that cool piece she played with vibrating the strings and it was awesome to see the difference. Most of it was with the bow.  There was one piece where she put down the bow and held it like a ukalele for the plucking.  It was a good set.

Leyna Marika Papach (violin) Solo violin works.

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