17 Mayıs 2012 Perşembe


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Being the type of person who doesn't make friends, true friends, all that easily or all that often, I've learned over the years that people like Joshua Paprika Fennell are a rare find in my life. The type of person that I know I was meant to meet and meant to know for the rest of my life.

We met a few years ago at the dog park down the street from where I live and as I discovered not too far from where he lives as well. It just so happens that Joshua has a Jack Russell Terrier, the same breed of dog as my, "Mimzy", and he's also an aspiring self-taught Artist with a passion for life that is evident in everything he does. Joshua is what I refer to as my, "Brother from another Mother", or "Sister from another Mister", depending on the mood and his behavior.

"JOSHUA AT THE DOG PARK" - Acrylic 4.5" X 4.5"

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